I guess I don't believe in yarn monogamy or else I am totally ADD, since I have cast on four and a half projects since finishing my Olympic sweater (non-gold-medal-winning but I love it nonetheless). While this sweater got me over the hurdle of finishing a major project, I still don't feel like I can call myself a knitter unless I finish more items. And if I am just a dabbler, not a knitter, I don't feel like I can justify purchasing any more yarn. Two of the items I started are gifts, with deadlines even, so that will be the acid test. Can I finish the scarf before my trip in two weeks? Can I finish the shawl before... well there is a very small chance the intended recipient will run across this blog so I better not say more.
The great thing about knitting WIPs is that they can be hidden in a drawer and no one is the wiser. My never-ending task/hobby/joy/bane is gardening. Gardening is
Always a work in progress, and it is
Always right out smack dab visible for the world to see. There have been times when I have felt like avoiding the neighbors because my front yard was such a mess, but I've pretty much gotten over that. Doesn't mean the yard is in top shape or anything, I've just gotten over my shame. I began a front garden and walkway renovation last summer.

Crushed gravel underlayment does not a pathway make. We have a terrific stone store nearby with a wonderful selection. I've browsed the stone yard at least half a dozen times and I still get overwhelmed and can't decide what to use. And I spent days, weeks even, last summer scraping and stripping the paint off the porch. It still needs more stripping before I can repaint. This summer for sure.

I don't know if this is a WIP or FO. It's a Cloud hat done according to
Ryan's pattern. Only problem is, it does not seem warm enough for Mongolia. I wore it yesterday as a test. Low 50's and windy. While it was warmer than not wearing any hat, it was not that warm. What to do? I'm thinking of lightly felting it, but don't know how the mohair will react. I hope to meet Ryan at Melinda's Dulaan knit-in for more advice. Until then I will try other designs for warm hats.

My first sweater, begun in December shortly after I relearned to knit. It was supposed to be a very simple first sweater project, but morphed into a monster. Will I be able to face it again?
The box of bulbs on the deck is doing nicely. On the patio is the lumber for my husband's UFO, an arbor. Posts and supports are done, but he wasn't happy with the way the across thing looked so he took it apart to rework it.
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