Since I have already said that one reason I didn't finish knitting was that I went skiing, perhaps I am more the Anti-Bode? I'll have to design my own button.

I made them for a chocolate-themed, potluck, dessert party. Went to the party too, and although I took my knitting with me, it stayed in the bag. Turned out that the hostess was ill and sequestered in bed. There were dozens of people nonetheless, half under the age of seven, and at least a dozen desserts, 90% of them store-bought. Was my effort appreciated? I doubt it, but I did stash some in our freezer for later. And Nancy, I have some for you as a thank you for watching the house/picking up the mail. Will get them to you soon.
The truffles look and sound delicious!
While I have been invoking Bode's name, it is more from the off sport injury than the "I AM BODE MILLER" loudmouthing he did/does... I think just need to acknowledge that I was there, at the starting line, and went for it. If, those such as I, did not compete, there could be no winners! :)
The truffles were fantastic and well appreciated in the see of store bought goodies! MMMM White chocolate infused with bay leaf... mmmmmm.
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