Well, I am lame and haven't posted anything in a couple weeks, but have been taking photos and thinking about blogging while knitting, gardening, reading, cleaning, cooking, chauffeuring etc.
Meanwhile, I got the travel itch. Had to run to catch the bus; it almost was too full to let me on, but they squeezed a bit and gave me room. Woo! Now I am going on a
Virtual Vacation!
And here's my questionnaire. The answers of which will determine where I'll visit and who I'll get to show around Seattle.
1. If you could visit any state in the US, which would it be and why?Maine, because it is far away and I have never been there. It seems wild and beautiful with big trees and a rugged coast and probably not too hot. And there's lobster.
If I had to choose a
city to visit, I would choose San Francisco. Hard to believe I have been on the West Coast for almost 20 years and still haven't been there.
2. If you could visit any country in the world, other than your own, which would it be and why?I fell in love with Australia back while watching
Picnic at Hanging Rock,
The Last Wave and
Breaker Morant. So am not sure my sense of the place is accurate, but would love to find out. The number of poisonous critters gives me pause, but it still seems like a wonderful place to visit.
3. Have you ever driven across several states/provinces/countries?Yes, I have driven USA from coast to coast twice and driven to Oregon, Utah, California, Yellowstone and more.
4. Have you ever visited someplace you consider exotic? Where was it?Utah.
5. What was your favorite "travel" vacation? Why?Hard to choose a favorite. Christmas week at Big Bend National Park in Texas as newlyweds was special, lechuguilla (which deserves the nickname shin-daggers) notwithstanding. Our trips to Utah have mostly been great, especially the first time we took Zach and he lost (and swallowed!) his first tooth. Miraculously the tooth fairy found him, even though we were in a tent in the middle of nowhere. Our only overseas trip, to France, was good but stressful and would have been better if the flipping museums hadn't been on strike the entire flipping week we were in Paris.
6. Have you ever played tourist in your own home city/state (if international, country)? Explain.I've played tourist/tour guide in Washington DC (where I grew up), Chicago (where I used to live) and here in Seattle. Lots of our family travel involves acting like tourists, especially educational activities, national and state parks, etc. My son wrote up our latest such trip on his
7. Are you a museum visitor, beachcomber or an amusement seeker?Museums, yes. Beaches, yes, but I get bored quickly and hate getting sand in my food. I love to sleep close enough to hear the ocean though. Deserts, yes, mind the snakes. Amusement parks, maybe. Only if they aren't crowded or out of the way and only on rides that don't spin.
8. What's your favorite type of yarn?Almost any natural fiber.
9. What's your least favorite type of yarn?Angora makes me itch. Acrylic makes me sad.
10. What items do you like to knit/crochet?Sweaters, Socks and Shawls; the big three, eh? So far I have been more interested in lace than cables, but would like to find a cable pattern that would draw me in.
11. What do you pack, knit/crochet wise when you go on vacation?I've been knitting for only a couple years and I do not crochet. We

travel pretty light for the most part, that means sock knitting. Here's a sock touring
Sam Hill's Stonehenge.
12. What other crafts do you do/would like to do other than Knit?I like to cook and garden. I am hoping to start sewing more, having only made a few things like curtains, halloween costumes and a dress or two, years ago.
13. Are you allergic to anything? (Yarn wise or treat wise)I don't eat soy products. Don't know if I am allergic, but Zach is definitely allergic to soy and I think I feel better avoiding it also. Otherwise, no allergies.
14. What is your favorite color? Least Favorite?I'm partial to rich dark colors such as eggplant, pine, burgundy, and don't love pastels, especially the mint greens and powder blues.
15. Sweet or Savory (Treat not personality)?Both.
16. Anything else we are forgetting to ask that you think your partner desperately needs to know?Can't think of anything. Go ahead and ask.